
◼ An enterprise website for a greentech startup
◼ 2023


I was put in charge of the redesign of Estuaire’s company website. At the time, Estuaire was an early-stage greentech startup at Station F, a world-renown incubator and startup campus located in Paris. I worked directly with the founders to redesign their brand logo and update the aesthetic of their website.

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I began by familiarizing myself with Estuaire’s service and the different stakeholders/target users for the project. This included a review of their pitch deck and all the content on their initial website. I also benchmarked other sites in the greentech space for their UI and content.

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I selected a gamut of sites ranging from sober and corporate to distinct and playful to give the founders some references to decide where they wanted their own site to be placed on this spectrum. I created and shared a Figma file with them in which they could clearly mark their style preferences and select from iterations of the redesigned logo.

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The layout of the site was sketched out in Figma. These sketches were used as the baseline reference for the construction of the site in Webflow. Custom graphics and assets for the site were developed using the Adobe suite.

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A fully responsive website formatted for desktop, tablet, and mobile.The website can be viewed at:

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