
◼ An e-commerce website for industrial steel
◼ 2023 (Ongoing)


I was brought on the team to redesign E-steel, the e-commerce platform for all ArcelorMittal products in Europe. As the sole UX designer working on the project, I managed and integrated the needs of each country where the site would be rolled out. The redesign had to adhere to relatively strict technical constraints and style guidelines, as well as preserve the core functionalities of the original site.

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I conducted interviews with clients and sales representatives from each country, as well as a thorough analysis of the current site using tools like Content Square. It became clear that, unlike a typical e-commerce site, E-steel clients usually have a very specific idea of the product they need to order before arriving at the site. Due to the industrial nature of the products sold on E-steel, clients rarely made any unplanned purchasing. The stakeholders wanted to change this with the rollout of a marketplace with a greater variety of products, so a balance had to be struck between managing the needs of current users while integrating new features and services.

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The original site was immense and complex, with a wide variety of products, services, and types of client accounts. I mapped all of this out in order to determine where the navigation could be simplified and improved. I also created a persona that represented the current clientele in order to ensure that every design decision catered to their needs. Finally, I created low-fidelity mockups to test different content layouts.

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I reduced the length and complexity of the steps required for product selection, product checkout, sign-in/sign-up, and accessing customer service. I also curated and organized the information presented on each page to better suit the needs of client persona that I developed during the research phase. Finally, I summarized these changes in a spec for developers to ensure that the site functioned properly.

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A complete redesign of the E-steel website. Together with the stakeholders, we developed a user experience that increased the efficiency of the service for current clients. In addition, we integrated new features that met the specific needs of each country where the site will be implemented. The new website is currently in development.

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